Thursday, January 15, 2009

Seattle Washington: Wedding

With the flurry of fall and winter portrait sessions, I never got a chance to post about this beautiful fall wedding. I adore this couple- two of the most genuine and fun loving people I've worked with. Their wedding was equally as charming, with stunning scenery and wide open spaces. It couldn't have been more perfect, and I'm glad I was able to photograph such a day. Here come the pictures:

Their reception was a blast! First of all, I heard some of the most touching speeches that day. The mother of the groom even had me in tears. It was the most sincere and heart-felt speech I have heard at a wedding- what every bride would want to hear from their new mother-in-law.
And as tradition, after dinner there was lots of dancing. The dance floor was packed as everyone cut loose under the light of the lanterns and stars. The final treat was hearing the groom's band play. If you don't all ready know them, you have to check these guys out: Trolls Cottage They are seriously awesome, and I am still trying to get my hands on a CD. :)


Lindsay said...

Seriously incredible! I almost teared up just looking at these :)

Kricia Morris Photography said...

Wow these are stunning...I don't think I've ever seen your wedding work before and it's absolutely amazing!

Martin Family said...

Kristen, these wedding pictures are wonderful! What a beautiful wedding!

Blazey said...

So many great shots. Love that fence.